Minggu, 13 Maret 2011

Getting the original Luwak coffee

Potential kopiluwak in Indonesia spread over several areas that have a large enough coffee plantations and coffee farms are usually located on the edge of the forest is a habitat for animal mongoose. Original Kopiluwak generated to date are the result of collecting from the wild. Where to see this condition then the number of native civet coffee produced is very dependent of the coffee fruit season, a total area of ​​plantation and animal populations mongoose. In other words Luwak coffee production is very dependent with nature so it is difficult to predict jumalh production.

Native civet coffee is collected from nature, usually still in the form of animal feces and then processed with mongoose separate procedure to produce coffee beans with the taste of the original liuwak special.

Traditional & modern way with the machine

In general, coffee lovers in Indonesian society more like the type of coffee that is cooked until black. While for some Asian countries like Korea, Japan, Taiwan they like the brown-black. As for the European region is more like the color brown.

To ensure good quality of the frying pan and evenly distributed we used the Gene Cafetm roasting machine. Basically, there are approximately 8 species roasting namely:
Type of Roasting Characteristics
Roast Light yellowish brown, strong sour taste, the smell is not strong. Slight smell of raw coffee
Cinnamon Roast American Ala. Slightly acidic. Color Cinnamon (cinnamon)
Medium Roast has a characteristic aroma of sour and sweet. Color such as peanuts. American style
High Roast felt more bitter taste than sour. Suitable for ice coffee.
City Roast Standard aroma and flavor balance. New York City-style
Full City Roast bitter taste slightly more pronounced than in acid. Suitable for iced coffee
More bitter French Roast. Uniquely rich flavor. Ala Europe. Suitable for iced coffee
Italian Roast Bitter and the aroma is strong but not sour. Colors close to black. Suitable for espresso or cappuccino


The method of presentation in civet coffee is basically not much different from the presentation of coffee in general. However, we recommend based on experience can be enjoyed with Luwak coffee brew + 8 grm/150 cc hot water (95 - 98oC). Use the water after boiling so that flavors can be awake and not go along with boiling water to evaporate. Use the media are made from ceramic cups for to hold and keep the heat quickly so as not cool. Luwak coffee may be more pronounced delicious when served without sugar (black coffee)

Civet Coffee Enjoy ........

Minggu, 10 Oktober 2010

The Most Expensive World Class Coffee of KOPI LUWAK

Luwak Civet
"KOPI LUWAK" coffee is Original comes from Indonesia at island of Sumatra, Which is recognized as one of the best place of Coffee.

and "LUWAK" is small palm civets or called Paradoxurus hermaphroditus in scientific name. A Small Mammals live in a tree and its favorite food is red, ripe coffee cherry. this Luwak is very clever animal to select of the best coffee and the most mature one.

They eat only the ripest coffee cherries, bean and all.
Meanwhile when bean is in Luwak's Stomach, Enzymes in their digestive system break down the flesh of the fruit before the animals expel the bean. and out with luwak's Poop. The Process of the stomach acids and enzymatic action involved in this unique fermentation process produces the beans for the world's rarest coffee beverage.

And the farmer worker collects it from forest floor, and is clean up the dung, then they roasted the Kopi Luwak.

That's what makes Kopi Luwak a very special, and the taste is very earthy flavours.

Check out the ranking of the 10 (ten) most expensive coffee in the World at Forbes.com :
1. Kopi Luwak,Indonesia, $160/pound
2. Hacienda La Esmeralda from Boquete,Panama, $104/pound
3. Island of St. Helena Coffee Company,St. Helena, $79/lb
4. El Injerto Huehuetenango,Guatemala, $25-50/pound
5. Fazenda Santa Ines, Minas Gerais,Brazil, $50/lb)
6. Blue Mountain, Wallenford Estate,Jamaica, $49/pound
7. Los Planes , Citala,El Salvador, $40/pound
8. Kona, Hawaii, $34/pound
9. Starbucks Rwanda Blue Bourbon, Gatare/Karengera,Rwanda, $24/pound
10.Yauco Selecto AA, Puerto Rico, $22/pound

and the winner is KOPI LUWAK from Indonesia !
So don't miss to taste this World Best Coffee "Kopi Luwak" in the World.
Enjoy Your Time, Have a Nice Day

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Kopi Luwak | Jual Kopi Luwak | Civet Coffee

Kami menjual Kopi Luwak.

Kopi terbaik untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Anda para penikmat kopi.

Rasa dan aroma kopi luwak yang khas cocok bagi Anda yang menginginkan sensasi minuman kopi terbaik yang sesungguhnya.

Kopi Luwak sangat terkenal, bahkan di luar negeri seperti Amerika harga Kopi Luwak sangat mahal dan menjadi kopi termahal di dunia. Mahalnya Kopi Luwak memang setara dengan aromanya yang luar biasa dan keterbatasannya di alam.

Kemasyhuran kopi ini diyakini karena mitos pada masa lalu, ketika perkebunan kopi dibuka besar-besaran pada masa pemerintahan Hindia Belanda sampai dekade 1950-an, di mana saat itu masih banyak terdapat binatang luwak sejenis musang.
Binatang luwak senang sekali mencari buah buahan yang cukup baik termasuk buah kopi sebagai makanannya. Biji kopi dari buah kopi yang terbaik yang sangat digemari luwak, setelah dimakan dibuang beserta kotorannya, yang sebelumnya difermentasikan dalam perut luwak. Biji kopi seperti ini, pada masa lalu sering diburu para petani kopi, karena diyakini berasal dari biji kopi terbaik dan difermentasikan secara alami. Dan menurut keyakinan, rasa kopi luwak ini memang benar benar berbeda dan spesial dikalangan para penggemar dan penikmat kopi

Di sini, kami siap melayani dan mengantarkan Kopi Luwak Asli ke rumah Anda

Selamat Berbelanja.

Produk Kopi Luwak

Kopi Luwak kami berasal dari Hewan Luwak liar habitat alaminya, bukan Luwak hasil penangkaran. Hewan Luwak liar memilih sendiri kopi-kopi terbaik sehingga menghasilkan kopi-kopi terbaik pula.

Berikut ini produk-produk Kopi Luwak :



Raw Kopi Luwak sudah dikeringkan dan tidak berbau
Raw Kopi Luwak ini ditujukan pada para pencinta kopi yang ingin meramu sendiri kopi luwak dari awal.

Harga : Rp 80.000 / 100 gram

Kami siap mengirimkan ke rumah Anda FREE tanpa biaya kirim*

* Untuk pengiriman ke luar Indonesia akan kami kenakan biaya kirim


green beans

Green Beans Kopi Luwak sudah dicuci, dikeringkan dan siap untuk di roast. Anda bisa me-roast sesuai dengan selera.

Harga : Rp 100.000 / 100 gram

Kami siap mengirimkan ke rumah Anda FREE tanpa biaya kirim*

* Untuk pengiriman ke luar Indonesia akan kami kenakan biaya kirim



Roasted Beans Kopi Luwak adalah biji kopi luwak yang sudah diroast/disangrai. Jadi Anda bisa menikmatinya di mesin kopi anda.

Harga : Rp 140.000 /100 gram

Kami siap mengirimkan ke rumah Anda FREE tanpa biaya kirim*

* Untuk pengiriman ke luar Indonesia akan kami kenakan biaya kirim


Kopi Luwak bubuk ini siap untuk Anda seduh dan Anda nikmati. Dikemas dengan brand Classic Kopi Luwak

Rasakan Nikmatnya Aroma Kopi Luwak.

Harga : Rp 140.000 / 100 gram

Kami siap mengirimkan ke rumah Anda FREE tanpa biaya kirim *

* Untuk pengiriman ke luar Indonesia akan kami kenakan biaya kirim

Rasakan nikmatnya rasa dan Aroma Kopi Luwak, kami siap menyediakan khusus untuk Anda!

Cara pemesanan :

Alamat Kami :

Aroma Kopi Luwak, Gunung Anyar Emas, Surabaya – Indonesia

Silahkan transfer sesuai pesanan anda ke :

Bank BCA, No Rek : 6750245615 a/n Riski

Bank Muamalat, No Rek : 7010962222 a/n Riski

Bank Mandiri, No Rek: 1410007647670 a/n Riski

Untuk konfirmasi transfer dan jumlah pesanan Anda

Hub : Aroma Kopi Luwak

Riski, phone : 081330316297, 031-78378923

email : myonlinestore09@yahoo.com

Untuk pembelian di bawah 500 gram, Kopi Luwak akan kami kirimkan dahulu, setelah barang sampai baru Anda transfer ke Rekening Kami.

Semoga Anda puas dengan produk dan pelayanan kami.

Selamat Berbelanja!

Minggu, 16 Mei 2010

Kopi Luwak Coffee - Kopi Luwak

Kopi Luwak Coffee - Kopi LuwakKopi Luwak Coffee - Kopi Luwak

Kopi Luwak Coffee

The Kopi Luwak Coffee aroma is rich and strong, and the coffee is incredibly full bodied, almost syrupy. It's thick with a hint of chocolate, and lingers on the tongue with a long, clean aftertaste. It's the most expensive and rarest coffee in the world and limited supplies are are grown each year. Due to the rarity and expensive price of Kopi Luwak there are no refunds or exchanges available on this coffee unlike other Volcanica Coffees. Shipped in a large size 16 oz. souvenir bag. View details

* Medium roast
* Extremely rare
* Roasted when you place your order

Price: $399.99

Sale Price: $349.99

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